2020 U.S.-EU NanoEHS COR Workshop
Bridging Insights and Perspectives
September 16–17 Daily runtime: 6:30 (Pacific)/9:30 (Eastern)/15:30 (Central Europe) – 10:30/13:30/19:30
The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and European Commission have organized the ninth annual meeting of the nanoEHS Communities of Research (CORs) as a virtual workshop on September 16–17, 2020. As the nanoEHS research ecosystem continues to evolve, this event will identify future needs and opportunities. Conversations will further address how the lessons learned from nanoEHS research can be applied to other areas such as emerging technologies and incidental nanomaterials. The workshop will foster high-level discussions of nanoEHS and related areas to explore connections and synergies that will drive responsible development of nanotechnology into the coming decades.
The event will run for four hours each day. Webcast plenaries will include live Q&A portions. Breakout sessions will feature interactive discussion.
Wednesday, September 16
6:30/9:30/15:30 Welcome and Program Overview
Lisa Friedersdorf, U.S. National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO)
6:45/9:45/15:45 Working Towards a Harmonized Nanosafety E-Infrastructure for Data and In Silico Tools
Thomas Exner, Edelweiss Connect GmbH
To be followed by live Q&A
7:15/10:15/16:15 Breakout Discussions
•Databases and informatics
Co-chairs: Fred Klaessig (Pennsylvania Bio Nano Systems, LLC) and Vladimir Lobaskin ( University College Dublin).
Discussions will explore technical needs to support database integration and interoperability, including ontologies and data exchange formats, and a U.S.-EU case study on incorporating FAIR principles in research. Format: Introductory comments by co-chairs, followed by open discussion.
•Applying lessons learned from engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) to incidental materials
Co-chairs: Wouter Fransman (TNO), Socorro Vazquez (Leitat Technological Center), and Paul Westerhoff (Arizona State University).
This session will identify key successes and opportunity areas—including the availability of assessment tools, methods, and assays—for characterizing incidental nanomaterials and for distinguishing their source. The aim is to understand which lessons learned regarding engineered nanomaterials can be applied to, or taken from, monitoring, testing, and regulation of incidental nanomaterials. Format: Discussion.
•Developing and adapting risk assessment frameworks for novel risks
Co-chairs: Andrew Byro (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and Danail Hristozov (University Ca' Foscari of Venice).
The conversation will address the needs, requirements, and conditions for adapting and adopting the maturing nanomaterial risk assessment frameworks to cope with novel risks.
Format: Discussion
•Integrating molecular approaches in risk assessment
Co-chairs: Arno Gutleb (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology) and Christie Sayes (Baylor University).
Many tools, methods, and computational resources exist and are routinely used to investigate molecular mechanisms behind nanomaterial effects. Endpoints related to mechanisms of action include gene and protein expression, cytokine and chemokine production, triggered repair mechanisms, and molecular pathway perturbations. This session will examine resources available and share experiences integrating molecular biology in nanomaterial-specific hazard identification. Because there are only a few examples of risk assessments integrating molecular bio-signatures induced after nanomaterial exposure, this session will also discuss possible avenues of new collaborations to aid in precise and targeted decision-making frameworks.
9:00/12:00/18:00 Break
9:25/12:25/18:25 Breakout Session Reports & Discussion
9:50/12:50/18:50 Detecting and Characterizing Nanoplastics in Real-World Samples
Julien Gigault, French National Centre for Scientific Research
To be followed by live Q&A
Souhail Al-Abed, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
To be followed by live Q&A
10:30/13:30/19:30 Day 1 Concludes |