Connection Failure
Connection Failure think vertically... interact globally
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This is an archive webcast event. Video clips will become available as they are recorded and processed.

1005 Air Racing Demo


1010 Patriots


1030 Vietnam Reenactors


1045 Tim Webber


1120 Video Thunderbird Engine Run


1120 Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Flight Demonstration


1140 Ed Hamill Aerobatic Demo


1205 Air Racing Demonstration


1155 AV-8B Harrier Demo


1225 Sean Tucker Aerobatic DEMO


1240 F-15 DEMO


1255 ACC Heritage Flight


1310 USO Show


1400 Thunderbird Ground Show


1430 Thunderbirds Aerial Performance


11/13/2005 1155 AV-8B Harrier Demo


11/13/2005 1225 Sean Tucker Aerobatic DEMO


11/13/2005 1240 F-15 DEMO


11/13/2005 1310 USO Show


11/13/2005 1400 Thunderbird Ground Show


11/13/2005 1430 Thunderbirds Aerial Performance


Questions? CONTACT: [email protected] 703-961-9250

This web site is not an official U.S. Air Force production and no government endorsement is intended for content contained herein. For a complete explanation of relationships — Click Here>>

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  Connection Failure